Closing Remarks Before the Election: The 2 Things We Want School Board Voters to Know
“Is there anything else you’d like voters to know?”
This simple yet important culminating question helps tie a nice bow on every good candidate debate – and it’s one we asked 12 of the 13 candidates who attended our Forest Hills Public Schools board candidate forum last month.
As a parent group voluntarily defending Forest Hills Public Schools from manufactured and unwarranted attacks daily over the past year, we need the same opportunity. We hope you’ll take a few minutes to hear us out. This work has been a full-time job for us on top of day jobs and raising families.
Through this experience, we have HEARD IT ALL. From a revolving door of grossly sensationalized accusations against Forest Hills Public Schools that model a national attack strategy, to local citizens walking up to boldly ask, “Are you woke? Because we don’t want any ‘wokes’ on the school board and I keep hearing about this on the news.” (What does this even mean?!) We’ve been physically intimidated at school board meetings and called horrific names. We know this is a tense environment.
While shouldering these attacks doesn’t bother us one bit, we are HORRIFIED by what is prompting this behavior and reaction. The extreme disinformation, the unnecessary anger and fear stoked by cable news talking heads, and the unfortunate spread of such awful lies by local and national groups that are clearly affecting voters. It’s all just so wrong. Forest Hills Public Schools is a fantastic district that is a source of community pride and accomplishments.
Yet, for 12 months, we have tried our best to serve as a voice of reason, spelling out for concerned citizens that accusations of “CRT,” or “indoctrination,” or “porn books,” or even “wokeness” were topics created by a paid think tank leader who specified from day one that his goal is to dismantle public education and push for universal vouchers that defund our public schools. (More on that here and here.)
Groups like Moms for Liberty or even our local attack groups took and ran with those points to fight this battle at the ground level – something they promised to do years ago. One must ask why none of these attacks started before the beginning of an important mid-term election, and the newest push for a voucher-like program in Michigan. It certainly wasn’t a “virtual window” that did this. We were looking inside, too. The antidote for these attacks is sharing facts and the truth and reminding citizens where and how this started.
If you stop and think for a moment, do you really think a top-ranked, destination district like Forest Hills Public Schools would jeopardize its reputation and everything it has built to watch it all crumble by doing any of the things attackers or some media claim?
The ONE Thing We Want Every Voter to Know
The most important thing we need voters to do is populate the school board section of the ballot. More than 50% of voters leave this section empty – and we cannot leave these important school board seats to chance, or to those who have been plotting this self-serving political move knowing not many people vote there. The majority of our seven-seat board is on the ballot. We hope you’ll reference our extensive resources to make an informed vote for an objective, nonpartisan and pro-FHPS and pro-public education candidate. Visit our candidate page here. Learn more:
We Also Want You to Remember the Facts About What’s Really Happening in Our Schools and WHO Information Is Coming From
Are you hearing something that sounds outrageous and ripped from the bottom of a cable TV news screen? Before concluding “truth,” ask a current school board member. Ask a current Forest Hills Public Schools family – or a student, or an educator. We’re confident that what you’ll hear is a story about how much they love FHPS, and how it’s academically challenging, offers incredible programs, and is designed for student success long after graduation.
Interestingly, last night, a couple of concerned citizens on social media – when pressed for evidence on supposed indoctrination – pointed to a student’s own personal art and media projects as the “proof.” They argued that a student’s video about her perceptions of MLK Jr. danced too close to uncomfortable topics of race. This was not a school-produced video. They shamed her online and during a school board meeting. They blame the school for not censoring her. (Here’s the truth.) These same folks walk the halls of student art showcases, hand-pick art they don’t like, make poster-sized reprints of it, and shame it at school board meetings. This is not an example of FHPS indoctrinating, but rather grown adults shaming and bullying students for their unique projects – and wishing FHPS would intervene to censor them. Leave critiques to a public museum. These students will go on to college and be asked by professors to express themselves through perceptions, critical thinking, and analysis but will now carry with them the fear and shame of being embarrassed by adults. We will not stand for this.
When we press these same attackers for any data and proof that FHPS does not deliver academically, they turn their heads from the data we show them from the State of Michigan or our district. They say we shouldn’t compare FHPS to others because they can “feel” the difference and that’s enough. Unfortunately, feelings don’t override data.
Voters – we need you to help sort fact from fiction, and fact from feelings. We need you to vote for competence and objective service over fear mongering and partisan agendas. A vote for the chalkboard four is a vote “for” the sham recall, and the leaders of the Just education group who have created this local disruption and perpetuated lies. What expertise are they truly bringing to the table? The Board room is not a place for leading with feelings while data sits dusty in a binder.
The disinformation campaign is so predictable and debunked that we have created a fact checking guide to capture everything in one place:
At this stage, we’ve done everything our hearts, minds, and physical bodies can think of and allow to help protect the integrity of our school district and the Board of Education – because we care and cannot allow Forest Hills Public Schools to be jeopardized. We did not choose this district over any others for our children to fall victim to stunts and charades. We tried to sound the alarm on this last fall to alert people that “hey – something bad is happening here and we need you to pay attention.” The time has now run out.
We hope that interest and attention is here, and that we have given you enough to make an informed vote. We stand for the Support, Safety and Success of all students and our clear values are proudly listed on our website homepage.